Agents of light and change create a positive and important shifts within our changing world. While everyone has a  purpose, some have very unique purposes - to assist the positive evolution of the planet. Agents of change are catalysts and builders of our new world. They each have unique skills, knowledge, abilities and gifts that they need to fulfill their mission. While each Agent of Light and Change makes a powerful contribution, collectively, they ensure the positive shift our planet.

If you’ve ever had that feeling that you were on the planet for a reason, have always been driven to make a difference and to be part of something bigger, there is a very good chance that you are one of these individuals. 

Whatever you do, don't be fooled by what you might think an Agent light and Change is. More importantly, don't underestimate the idea that you are one yourself. Here's why…

Agents of light and change are the most diverse bunch you will find. They take on as many different forms as there are unique blueprints. They come in every shape, color, size and found in every corner of our globe. 

Some will spark change, forge new paths, inspire and guide others. Some will be visionaries and pioneers of new ways, thoughts and ideas. Some will be leaders in new fields, while others bringing much needed light into the world by simply being who they are and doing what they do best. Some will help stabilize our planet as healers or mystics. Some will share wisdom and hope. And the list goes on...

Others may inspire others to be more productive in non-profits, You may be a courageous inventor, a scientist encouraging new energy breakthroughs, you may be a baker pioneering healthier choices and recipes, you may be a healer bringing forward new ways of making  lives better. You may be a politician ready to launch new social change, a landscape artist encouraging us to grow food on roofs, a mother raising healthy children who become our next new leaders.

While some Agents of Light and Change will be on the front stage of change, others will be working more subtly in the background. No matter what their role is, they bring light, change and transformation to our evolving world. Whatever you are here to do and wherever you are, your unique soul’s purpose contributes greatly to our world’s positive shift. Just by staying true to who are and what you are here to do makes a difference you can't imagine. Not only that, being true to you inspires others around you to do the same.

Agents of Light and Change are being called at this time and there’s never been a better time to jump in. Imagine what it would be like to know that you are part of the team creating the fabric of the new world. It is a life you will never forget and never regret. A life well-lived.

Why is the Blueprint Important to Agents of Change?


The Blueprint is very important for Agents of Change because many have forgotten that they are. They don't yet know. Because they have forgotten, seeing and understanding their own blueprint helps them to remember. It catalyzes their their memory. They get to see it for themselves - who they are and why they are here right there within it. Their souls' memory is reactivated. They start to connect the dots and.everything begins to make sense. They dial back in and reconnect to their soul's information and wisdom. This provides more confidence and ease moving forward as an Agents of Change. They have their soul's own operating system and navigational tools they now have to succeed.


The Blueprint is also very important because new territories requires new tools - efficient tools. It is the evolutionary and perfect tool for agents of change.Being realigned to their Blueprint's means they have access to the knowledge and wisdom they need for their mission. Not only that, they are directly connected  to their soul's map, navigational system and tools that are theirs to move forward. Their path of purpose becomes easier, more efficient and clear.


These individuals are here to be on the forefront of creating new ways, They are here to do new things in new ways. They are creators of new. They assist our evolving world. They are bridge builders to the new. There is no roadmap. It is for this reason that the Blueprint is incredibly important, Moving into the unknown becomes less daunting when you have a staring point and architectural plan from which to operate. Also, using the tools built within your own blueprint is a real advantage.